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Gambar penulisMasyarakat Moluska Indonesia

Ecomorphology of Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Kuala Gigieng Waters, Aceh Besar District

Diperbarui: 20 Mar 2024

By: Chitra Octavina, Fredinan Yulianda, Majariana Krisanti & Isdradjad Setyobudiandi

Ostrea edulis, a prevalent species of meat oysters, constitutes a significant dietary component among the inhabitants of Kuala Gigieng. Despite its widespread consumption, scientific literature regarding this species remains limited. This study aims to provide a comprehensive ecomorphological description of Ostrea edulis inhabiting the waters of Kuala Gigieng.

Conducted between August and September 2013 within the maritime domain of Kuala Gigieng, Aceh Besar District, this research employed a purposive sampling approach. Sample identification relied upon meticulous examination of shell morphological traits encompassing both external and internal features, facilitated by employment of a magnifier lamp.

The findings unveiled distinctive characteristics of Ostrea edulis specimens inhabiting the waters of Kuala Gigieng. Notably, the shells exhibited round, rough, hardened, thickened, and irregular surface textures. Furthermore, an asymmetrical valve morphology was observed, with the left valve displaying pronounced concavity compared to its relatively flatter counterpart, the right valve. Such morphological traits are indicative of an adaptive response by Ostrea edulis to the prevailing environmental conditions in Kuala Gigieng, typified by a substrate composition comprising medium sand and clay sand, alongside significant predation pressures emanating from both natural and anthropogenic sources.

These observations provide valuable insights into the ecological dynamics of Ostrea edulis within the maritime context of Kuala Gigieng, shedding light on its adaptive strategies and interactions within the local ecosystem subjected to varying predation pressures.

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